ICASSP is offering 2 free workshops for attendees. Attendance is free, but sign-up is required.
W1: Hands-On Simulink Tutorial
W2: Technical MathWorks Workshop
W1: Hands-On Simulink Tutorial
Monday, March 31, 14:00 – 17:00, Location: Regalium
Note: Though this special tutorial is free to attendees, sign-up is required in order to reserve adequate space. Please sign up only if you plan to attend this event.
This event is sold out.
Presenter: Eul-Shik Hong
As a member of The MathWorks Training Services organization, Eul-Shik, has instructed commercial and academic users of The MathWorks products related to algorithm development, system modeling, and signal and image processing. He has also been responsible for the development of various training courses offered by The MathWorks, including “MATLAB® for Image Processing”.
Justification of the workshop topic:
The concepts of signal processing can be daunting for students being exposed to it for the first time, primarily due to the limited ability to visualize the system and its signals.
This workshop will help educators develop their own Simulink® models that demonstrate signal processing systems with both time and frequency domain signals. It will introduce the basics of modeling signal processing systems within Simulink, frame-based processing and its importance, visualization of both time and frequency based signals, and demonstrate a video and image processing system within Simulink’s environment.
Outline of the presentation:
Basic Simulink
Introduce the Simulink interface
Understand the solver for timing
Interface with MATLAB’s workspace
Develop a simple system
Modeling Signal Processing using Simulink and the Signal Processing Blockset
Model a simple difference equation
using the filter block
using the unit delay block
using frame-based processing
Visualize the signal in both a time and frequency scope
Demonstrate a video processing model within Simulink
Description of the material to be distributed to participants:
Course reference material
CD of examples and exercises used in the workshop
W2: Technical MathWorks Workshop
Tuesday, April 1, 14:00, Location: Pisa
Note: Though this special tutorial is free to attendees, sign-up is required in order to reserve adequate space. Please sign up only if you plan to attend this event.
Sign-up for this event is now closed.
Houman Zarrinkoub
Embedded MATLAB: Design embeddable algorithms and automatically generate C code with MATLAB
In this workshop, we will showcase new capabilities of MathWorks products enabling you to automatically generate C code from your Embedded MATLAB code. We learn about these capabilities by going through an example for the design of a video processing system. We examine all stages of the design workflow from modeling and simulation, converting the design from a floating-point to a fixed-point representation, automatically generating C code or VHDL/Verilog code for deployment onto DSP or FPGA hardware and verifying the design through real-time simulation on the hardware.
Through demonstrations, you will learn:
- How to create and modify your MATLAB algorithms to be compliant with the Embedded MATLAB subset.
- How to generate C code (both floating-point and fixed-point) from your Embedded MATLAB code directly from MATLAB desktop.
- How to call your Embedded MATLAB code as a new block within Simulink to integrate and simulate your algorithm as part of a larger system model.
- How to use new capabilities in Simulink Fixed-Point Tool to streamline the process of converting your design from a floating-point to a fixed-point numerical representation.
- How to automatically generate target-specific C-code from Simulink models that include the Embedded MATLAB blocks for deployment on TI DSPs.
- How to automatically generate VHDL/Verilog code from Simulink models that include the Embedded MATLAB blocks for deployment on FPGAs